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graduate waving
Graduates shaking hands
graduates walking side by side
graduate waving
graduate with fist raised in celebration
graduate raising hands
graduate raising hands
graduate with hands lifted in air


Liberty High School will partner with the community to develop students who demonstrate Honorable character, possess Exemplary skills, and are Respectful individuals Determined to achieve purposeful goals.


Each member of the Liberty Bison HERD will develop and demonstrate industry-relevant skills in communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.

Principal's Message

It is both an honor and a pleasure to serve as the founding Principal of Liberty High School, Home of the Bison. I have been fortunate enough to watch the construction evolve over the past several months and I can tell you it is amazing. At Liberty High School, we offer four different pathways to our students with real-world applications.

The entire campus is a learning environment that is a student-centered, technology-rich educational environment that provides students the opportunity to thrive and be successful within their Small Learning Community. Liberty High School has 4 pathways where students can learn and apply knowledge specific to a career pathway. These are:

  • School of Business and Entrepreneurship
  • School of Public Service and Leadership
  • School of Health Sciences and Medical Technology
  • School of Engineering, Innovation, and Design

I have been in education for over 20 years and have been part of the Perris Union High School District for 18 of those years. Well...a little longer... considering I graduated from Perris High School!! I began my teaching career as a Spanish teacher at Paloma Valley High School where I was also the Activities Director. I have also taught Spanish at Heritage High School as well as Perris High School before becoming an administrator. I received my AA from MSJC and transferred to Cal State University, San Bernardino where I continued my education.

I cannot wait to welcome our students on the first day of school and for them to experience Liberty High School. Being part of THE HERD means that we are all a family who look out for each other as well as uplift each other towards greatness. We have an excited staff who are ready to work hard and make Liberty High School a place like no other!

I look forward to meeting each and every one of you in the future!! 

Warm Regards,
Erika Tejeda,

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